Local 389 Vice President and Committee Vacancies Filled

International Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local Lodge 389 has filled some vacancies on its E-Board and open committees. John Bellow’s nomination for Vice President was unopposed and became Vice President on June 3, 2024. John has many years of experience on the E-Board including VP and Trustee. Please welcome John back to his leadership role at the next meeting. Thank you, John, for stepping back up and into a leadership role with our Local. Your experience and leadership is greatly valued.

Local 389 has also appointed a chair and filled vacancies in two open committees. President Brian Steinrichter has assumed the role as the Scholarship Committee chair and has appointed Secretary Treasurer Manny Rivera and Recording Secretary Jesus Garcia as committee members. Both brothers will assume their RS and ST rolls on the committee. 2024 Scholarship applications are now being accepted with the deadline set for July 31, 2024.  Applications are available in the link below and can be also obtained and submitted through shop stewards and E-Board members. Good luck to all potential candidates.

The President has also appointed Jesus Garcia to Chairman of the By-Laws committee. The by-laws committee examines any proposed amendments, alterations, deletions or additions to the Local’s by-laws. By-Law recommendations are reviewed and submitted to the membership, which ultimately will vote on any by-law changes. Jesus has been appointed chairman of the committee and Brian Steinrichter and Manny Rivera are appointed members.

Committee membership is crucially important to the Local’s operation and service to its members. Committees that are still open and forming soon are the Veteran’s Committee and Organizing Committee. Members are strongly encouraged to serve on committees and should especially should join if they are interested in Local Lodge leadership roles. If anyone is interested in being appointed to a committee or take on the role of a committee chair, please contact any E-Board member or your shop stewards.

To download the application for the Richard Sanchez Memorial Scholarship click here.


Updated: June 27, 2024 — 9:43 pm