Category: Current Relevant

Solar Turbines Attendance Policy Arbitration Ruling

As some of you may already be aware, the arbitrator mediating the attendance policy grievance between Solar Turbines and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local Lodge 389 has made his ruling. Unfortunately, he has ruled in favor of the company and the current attendance policy will stand. Because of the company’s management rights […]

2020 Grand Lodge Convention Delegate Nominations

On May 20, 2020 Local Lodge 389 conducted it’s special meeting for Grand Lodge Convention delegates. This special meeting was conducted under special circumstances due to the Coronavirus social distancing guidelines. Local Lodge 389 will send four delegates to the convention. The following nominations were made: Elaine Kennedy, Joe Zimolzak, Darrin Williamson, Brian Steinrichter and […]

Solar Attendance Policy Arbitration Update

We continue to await for the decision from the arbitrator on the Solar Turbines attendance policy grievance. The union lawyers have reached out to the arbitrator for information regarding the case. The arbitrator has undergone some medical procedures and has said that we can expect a decision within the next three weeks. Beginning in January […]