Education for Everyone

For union activists, nothing will ever be able to replicate the value of in-person learning but the IAM wants to make sure all members have access to education. That’s why the Machinists Union is offering Leadership I classes online in 2022. “While I think we all prefer in-person classes, I believe that the real question isn’t […]

Apply Now for the 2022 IAM Scholarship Competition

The 2022 IAM Scholarship Competition is accepting applications. The competition is open to members of the IAM and their children throughout the United States and Canada. The Application packet must be postmarked by February 11, 2022, and received no later than February 23, 2022. Applications, rules, and general information can be found on the 2022 IAM Scholarship Competition page. […]

Machinists Union Urges Congress to Invest in Nation’s Shipyards

The IAM is reaching out to members of Congress, encouraging them to support bipartisan legislation that would provide much-needed investment to optimize and improve our nation’s shipyards. International President Robert Martinez Jr wrote a letter to all U.S. Representatives and Senators urging them to co-sponsor the Supplying Help to Infrastructure in Ports, Yards, and America’s […]

Remembering Our Heroes

  Sisters and Brothers, This Memorial Day weekend, we remember military service members who have fought and died for our freedom. They were willing to put their lives on the line, at home and abroad, to defend us against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. These heroes died protecting the many freedoms we enjoy today from […]

Free College – Another Way It Pays to be IAM

It’s free. No cost. You pay nothing. If you are an IAM member, retiree or relative, you can go to college, free of charge. In October 2017, the IAM started offering a free college program as a Machinist benefit, allowing IAM members and their families to earn an associate’s degree from Ohio’s Eastern Gateway Community […]

Official Results of the 2021 IAM Grand Lodge Officer Election

In accordance with Article III of the Constitution of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), nominations for Grand Lodge office for the term ending June 30, 2025 were conducted in January 2021. As a result of those nominations, the following officers were elected by acclimation (without a challenger): Robert Martinez Jr., International […]